Big Learning 21.09.20

Keen beans here in P2/3 as children are working away at Literacy, Numeracy and HWB tasks. We have our personal targets that we work towards first thing in the morning at ‘Target Time’! When we achieve our targets the chat then focusses on what our ‘Next Steps’ are. So great to hear children this week saying ‘I need to work on… ‘ Super teacher/pupil times. 😊😊😊

For activities and games to try at home please visit the P2/3 Google Classroom


We have been learning to ‘sort the sentence’.

We have been learning to build and break words using our phonics sounds.

We have been making sure that we use full stops, capital letters and finger spaces in our sentences.

We have been blending words to build our reading fluency and using punctuation help us understand the text and add expression.


We have been learning to count forwards/backwards in 10 on the decade and off the decade.

We had fun hop scotching and shouting out the number pattern. 2, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 72, 82, 92, 102…

We have been expanding numbers into tens and ones or hundreds, tens and ones.

The children are becoming really confident at explaining the value of the digits in numbers. We worked on explaining 25 = 20 + 5, 71 = 70 + 1, 298 = 200 + 90 + 8.

Health and Wellbeing

We have been playing dodge ball and working on our basket ball skills to develop throwing and catching confidence.

We are learning to name some of the organs inside our body and explain their function.

There were some great ideas from children about things/objects we could use to create the internal organs and Finn thought we could draw around a person and fill the body with all of the objects used to represent our organs so we could explore where in the body we would find them. So we did! We used Finn as our person to draw around.

Tell someone at home about the organs inside the body. (Photos to follow!)

Have a super weekend everyone. 😁

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