
Thank you Libertie!

Thank you so much to the charity Libertie for donating so many amazing growing parcels for all the children! Not only did P2/3 get to do this for our Peter Rabbit project but we had enough for Nursery, P1, P2, P3 and P5! We got to start growing lots of different foods that Peter rabbit…

P2/3 Mascot Designs

We wanted to share our Mascot Designs with you as all of the children showed curiosity in the brief given by the P6 children and creative ideas that they used in their designs. Well done! We just have to wait and see the designs chosen for each house team by the P6. They will have…

Big Learning 19.04.21

And in a flash that is Week 1 completed! What a great first week back! Here is our big learning for this week. Right angle testing around our classroom! Jannyland and PE 🙂

House Mascot Competition

April 20, 2021crownoffice This is so exciting! The children have been told of their house teams and we have started our mascot designs class. These will soon be finished and we can’t wait to share our ideas with you. 🙂

Last week of Term 3!

This week We are planning a games afternoon outside with P3 on Tuesday 30th March. Fingers crossed the weather holds for us! On Thursday 1st April the children have chosen a movie afternoon for their dojo reward as they managed to achieve a collective score of 1000. If you wish, the children can bring an…

Big Learning 15.03.21

Well P2/3 we are very happy and proud teachers this week. You made your class Dojo total leap up and it has now passed 1000!. All of the children achieved dojos this week for doing their best work, we had a quiet and calm classroom and everyone tried really hard to be independent. Well Done!

Please can you help 🙂

Afternoon everyone! Please can you check at home for: -missing jumper (hoodie) with the name Alex Reid. It was picked up after Daily 10 last week and has not yet made its way back to us in school. -lost fit bit/watch! It is Crown jumper blue with a yellow catch. Many thanks for you help…

Big Learning 01.03.21

Another super week in P2/3. We are so proud of you all. You are working hard and trying your best. There has been lots of amazing ‘focus’ this week. Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all next week. A glimpse at our skills development in Janny Land this week.


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